
Do you often feel bad about yourself? Do you have difficulty asserting yourself?

Self-Esteem: Many people suffer from low self-esteem. For some, it can be hidden from friends and family. On the outside, you may look like you are doing fine but inside you struggle with your sense of worth. You may even be able to recognize your strengths and talents but frequently feel like a fraud and not worthy of good things in your life. Low self-esteem can stem from a range of sources, from messages you received as a child, to sibling rivalry, to dealing with unrealistic expectations of yourself. In whatever form, it can prevent you from fully enjoying and moving forward in your life. Therapy can help you explore the roots of these feelings and change these core beliefs about yourself.

Do you wonder if you make poor relationship choices? Have you recently ended a relationship but can't move on?

Healthy Relationships: People in loving, supportive relationships report higher levels of self-esteem, less depression and better overall physical health. Many are aware that they make poor relationship choices but don't know how to do it differently. They may have difficulty setting boundaries and feel emotionally depleted by the demands of others. Some even find themselves in abusive relationships but don't know where to turn. Counseling helps individuals make better choices, communicate their needs, recover from a break-up or leave a unhealthy relationship.

Do you feel too nervous or overly stressed? Have you experienced panic or tend to obsess over small things?

Managing Anxiety: Stress, nervousness, insomnia, rumination, panic attacks and the inability to relax may indicate a level of anxiety that could benefit from therapy. Talking about problems, learning relaxation techniques, re-framing events and exploring options can help manage, and sometimes eliminate, these symptoms.

Have you lost interest in activities you usually enjoy? Do you feel sad a lot of the time?

Overcoming Depression: Feelings of sadness are a normal reaction to a big disappointment, a break-up or loss of a loved one. Depression is different. It is a prolonged state of sadness and fatigue that can make each day a challenge. Women, in particular, are vulnerable to depression, with one in four women suffering a major episode in her lifetime. Symptoms such as lack of enjoyment in life, crying frequently, low-energy, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and insomnia may indicate a depressive episode which would benefit from therapy.